How can I change/update my device's Wi-Fi details?
Please follow the steps to update your device's Wi-Fi credentials.
Please note that only 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks are supported.
1. Set your Link device (LinkPro or LinkZB) to Bluetooth Pairing mode by pressing the button next to the power port. The green light should now be flashing.
2. In the Voltello App, go to the Home Tab and tap "+ New device". After scanning the QR code, you'll be prompted to enter in your WiFi credentials. Tap 'Connect to a different Network' and choose a network from the list. You may have to tap 'Add Manually' if your new network isn't immediately found.
3. You don't have to re-add your inverters/other solar devices, but you can verify that the Link device is connected by continuing the New Device flow and waiting for your inverters/devices to show up under 'Existing devices'.
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