How does the 'Flexible Export Compliance' plan actually work?

How does the 'Flexible Export Compliance' plan actually work?

Flexible Exports require the use of a compatible inverter which complies with government requirements that came into effect on the 1st July 2023. The Flexible Export Compliance plan uses the Voltello Link device to turn your solar inverter into a compatible Flexible Exports system. The plan will connect your inverter to the internet to allow for automatic adjustments to optimise the amount of solar energy that can be exported to the grid.

Am I eligible for Flexible Exports?
Flexible Exports have been introduced in a number of states across Australia. They are an alternative to Fixed Exports, which limit the amount of excess solar that you can export to the grid. Flexible Exports allow network operators to monitor and adjust rooftop solar exports in real time. This method provides more opportunity for solar customers to export their excess solar without putting pressure on the grid. New or upgrading solar customers will have the option to choose between a fixed (static) export limit or a flexible export limit. To be eligible for Flexible Exports you need a compatible inverter, a reliable internet connection and be living in an eligible area. The Voltello Link device is a solar management gateway that connects to compatible inverters allowing them to participate in Flexible Exports.

How does the automation run?
Lots of sun has meant lots of solar energy, leading to congestion on the grid. This can cause issues from rising voltages, with inverters switching off through to outages. Until now the solution has been to place low or zero limits on solar exports, so each home can only export small amounts of solar, if at all, to avoid grid issues. This is called Fixed Exports. Fixed Exports waste valuable solar energy. They don’t give you the best value for money and reduce the broader benefits of solar. The Flexible Exports option adjusts the amount of surplus solar you can export in real-time. For example, when demand for power is high the amount of solar you can export increases, and when demand is low the amount you can export decreases. Your solar inverter is connected to the internet, and responds by increasing or reducing production matching your surplus solar export to the dynamic Flexible Export limits.

How do I maintain control?
NOTE: You can deactivate this plan anytime you wish via the Voltello app, but it is important to understand that doing so will render your inverter non-compliant with Flexible Export requirements.
You maintain control over your automations through the Voltello app, where you can suspend or reactivate your plan at any time. It is essential to understand that deactivating this plan or disconnecting your inverter from the internet will make your system revert to a fixed export limit, which is less efficient and compliant. To ensure continuous compliance and optimal functioning, keep your plan active.

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