How much can the AirFlex save me off my energy bill?

How much can the AirFlex save me off my energy bill?

Smart thermostats like the AirFlex have been available for over a decade now. If a thermostat can connect to Wi-Fi, it is considered 'smart' and the top end models use data to automatically optimise heating and cooling. Calculating real savings is a complicated art because there are so many variables at play, like energy efficiency, temperature, humidity and human behaviour. That said, there is good evidence that even basic thermostats save an average of 8% on energy bills. Thermostats that allow for automations like the AirFlex, typically save more, on average between 10% to 12% on heating and 15% on cooling. For the average Australian household, this is around $192 per year. We are building a calculator that will allow customers to get a better estimation of their potential energy savings. 
Table with 2 columns and 5 rows.
StateAverage power bill (quarterly)
New South Wales$308
South Australia$379
Western Australia$240