What is the veXAPI and how do I access it?

What is the veXAPI and how do I access it?

Our Customers are asking, via our Feature Requests link on the Village Energy website, for integration with Home Assistant.

In response, we are pleased to announce the trial of an external API (called ‘veXAPI’) that allows Customers to access asset, telemetry and automations associated with their Voltello account as the first step towards enabling this integration. The purpose of the trial is to assess the value for Customers of having API access to these services and to explore what additional features and capabilities might be useful for them in order to increase the role of automation within their home.

Access to the veXAPI is provided via an API key that can be created from the ‘Manage Access’ menu option and then pressing the ‘API Access’ button. API keys that have been created for the Customer can be copied to the device using the 'copy'  icon.

The draft API Documentation can be accessed here

Support for the veXAPI is limited, although our engineers will be monitoring the public discussion for feedback and comments.
We look forward to adding new capabilities based on your feedback.
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