Setup & Provisioning
What is the Solar Pre-Approval Process?
When you're installing a new PV system with Flexible Exports/Dynamic Connection/Emergency Backstop compliance, you usually have to submit a 'pre-approval application' with the utility before installation. If you don't have solar pre-approval, your ...
The customer didn't add their NMI when they created their account. How do I add their NMI for them now?
It's easy to add or update a customer's National Metering Identifier (NMI) in the Voltello app. Just follow these steps: 1. Go to Menu in the bottom Navigation Bar: 2. Select 'Energy Account' from the list of Menu options: 3. Select the Account that ...
What kind of installer support is available for technical issues?
Voltello recognises the importance of a smooth provisioning process onsite and the frustration caused by needing to return to site after demobilising. We provide comprehensive installer support for technical issues during installation. If you require ...
Is the Voltello app necessary to maximise the LinkZB / LinkPro functionalities, or can it operate independently?
While the LinkZB and LinkPro can operate independently, the Voltello app provide enhanced functionalities such as detailed monitoring, remote control, and advanced automation features. For example, installers need to use the Voltello app to set up ...
How does the real-time energy monitoring data help manage solar and battery resources?
Real-time energy monitoring data provides insights into solar production, battery storage levels, and household energy consumption where a consumption meter is present. This information helps optimise the use of solar energy, ensuring efficient ...
How straightforward is the commissioning process, and what are the setup steps required?
The commissioning process for the Voltello LinkZB and LinkPro is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. It involves connecting the Voltello device to the inverter via Wi-Fi or Ethernet (LinkPro only), setting up the internet connection, ...
How does the Modbus-TCP integration work with existing consumption meters?
The Modbus-TCP integration allows the Voltello LinkZB and LinkPro to communicate with existing consumption meters by leveraging the Modbus protocol over TCP/IP. This enables real-time data exchange and seamless integration with smart meters for ...
Useful documents for Installers using Voltello Link devices for Flexible Exports
Technical Documents LinkZB Specification Brochure LinkPro Specification Brochure Brochure for Homeowners Company Brochure Product Warranty Setup Documentation
CSIP-AUS Provisioning for Flexible Exports - Step-by-Step Guide
The CSIP-AUS Provisioning process requires the Household Customer and the Installer to complete a series of steps using the Voltello Link device and the Voltello app. Links to the Customer Step-by-Step Guide and the Installer Quick Installation Guide ...
What does a Customer need to do before the Installer gets to site?
You can access a Customer Step-by-Step Guide that you can share with your customers here. Below are the steps a Household Customer will need to follow, ideally before you arrive on site, but this can be done with the customer whilst you are on site ...