The CSIP Plan is not being shown to the customer.
If you or your customer can’t find the CSIP automation plan, make sure you’ve checked the following: 1. Check that the customer’s NMI is valid. We use the NMI to get the Customer’s utility, which defines which CSIP plan they are presented. An ...
The site application has been rejected, withdrawn or cancelled - what now?
If the site application has been rejected for any reason, you must advise Village Energy so that we can de-commission the site and remove any default limits.
The site is provisioned but still has a default 0kW Export Limit.
If you have completed provisioning and the site has an export limit of 0kW, this means that the default limit has been received from the utility. You may have to complete an application to the utility and/or a capability test before receiving active ...
The Link device is not connecting, or can’t find the Inverter.
If you are not able to discover the Inverter and/or meter, check the following; The inverter/meter and Link device are all connected to a 2.4GHz network and are NOT connected to a guest network, The inverter/meter and Link device are connected to the ...
Troubleshooting Provisioning failures
If provisioning failed, here are the first things to check. You can check the Provisioning results to identify what cause the failure: How do I check that the site has been Provisioned successfully? 1. Modbus settings Make sure Modbus TCP is enabled ...
How do I check that the site has been Provisioned successfully?
It is the responsibility of the installer to verifying provisioning is successful. You can do this by checking the results of provisioning attempts in the app. There are multiple ways to do this. Please make sure you check that provisioning has been ...
Site Provisioning: Installer Checklist
Make sure the site has all of the following to ensure successful provisioning. Some warnings will show prior to provisioning if the requirements are not met, for example: Customer’s NMI is blank, or Customer does not have a meter/inverter added to ...
Where can I find the Flexible Exports Plan?
If your Flexible Exports Plan offer isn't shown in the Home Tab, you can head to the Plans and Offers page. Open the 'Menu' Tab, Tap ‘More Plans’, then ‘Newly Available’, You can view and accept the plan from here.
What household customer support is available post-installation?
Voltello maintains a Support Desk and detailed Knowledge Base for household customers who can assess this using the Voltello app and via email.