Troubleshooting Provisioning failures

Troubleshooting Provisioning failures

If provisioning failed, here are the first things to check. You can check the Provisioning results to identify what cause the failure: How do I check that the site has been Provisioned successfully?

1. Modbus settings

Make sure Modbus TCP is enabled and that Modbus control is 1st priority.

2. No local/non-Voltello Inverter Control

There should be no production limits or active control on the inverter during provisioning. If you are required to limit exports/production or turn the inverter off until the site inspection, make sure you only apply these after successful provisioning.

3. No local/non-Voltello Export Limits

Similarly, there should be no export limits or active control from the meter during provisioning. If you are required to limit exports/production or turn the inverter off until the site inspection, make sure you only apply these after successful provisioning.

4. No Ramp rates set 

Inverter Rmping control should be turned off. If there are ramp rates set on the inverter, the Link device’s read/write tests will fail because the Link device should be able to apply an inverter production set point within seconds. 

5. Check NMI is input and valid

The NMI is used to generate the LFDI. You can check the customer’s NMI in the Home tab under their account details. Make sure there is an NMI entered and that it is correct. 

6. Check Inverter output is greater than 0.5kW

The inverter output should remain above 0.5kW during provisioning. The Link device will set this to zero at various points during provisioning, but the Maximum available solar throughout should be more than 0.5kW.

7. Make sure multi-inverter sites are NOT installed in a cascaded setup

Huawei and iStore cascaded setups are NOT compatible with the Link device. Fronius cascaded setups must be controlled as separate inverters by the Link Device. Other cascaded setups may vary with compatibility. 
If the invertes have been cascaded, they may have to be de-commissioned and recommisioned as stand-alone inverters before any control will be possible. 

Still don't know why Provisioning failed?

If you're not sure what cause the failure and you've checked the above, send us a ticket from this link.

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