What does 'Scaled Production' mean, and how does it reduce my solar production?

What does 'Scaled Production' mean, and how does it reduce my solar production?

If you don't have a compatible smart meter, you can still curtail your inverter(s) to a Fixed Inverter Output. You can set this up in the 'Solar for Amber' Preferences.

You can see a list of compatible smart meters here.

Scaled Production Explained:
You can choose the amount in kW for your inverter to reduce to, and also set a Feed-In price at which this curtailment starts (or a default of 0 c/kWh). When the FiT drops below your nominated price, the inverter will be reduced to your set Inverter Output value. 

You should try and set an amount that will allow enough power for your home during negative FiT, to reduce export amounts. If you have more than one inverter, each with a Solar for Amber plan, then you can set different outputs for each one, and therefore the total of your inverters' outputs should be just enough to power your home. 

What is my household load?
Determining your household load is straightforward. You can download your Amber data using this provided link and examine the export data (B1). Typically, negative prices occur between 10 am and 3 pm, so this export data during these hours provides a good estimate of the excess energy that needs to be curtailed. For instance, if your 5 kW inverter typically exports an average of 3 kW during the day, then you should set your fixed production level at 2 kW.

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