What is the difference between the LinkZB and the LinkPro?

What is the difference between the LinkZB and the LinkPro?

Both the LinkZB and LinkPro integrate with rooftop solar inverters. Refer to this article for compatible inverters.

The LinkZB was the original Voltello product developed by Village Energy. The LinkPro is the next generation of the LinkZB and includes an Ethernet interface, meaning it can be plugged in or use Wi-Fi. The Ethernet option is not available with the LinkZB. 

Additionally, in the future the LinkPro will be able to support a Zigbee interface with a compatible smart meter and this will be available via a remote software update to existing LinkPro customers. This will be available on the Zigbee Smart Energy Profile (ZSE) only. At this stage this feature does not have a confirmed release date but we expect it will be available in 2024.