What kind of installer support is available for technical issues?

What kind of installer support is available for technical issues?

Voltello recognises the importance of a smooth provisioning process onsite and the frustration caused by needing to return to site after demobilising. We provide comprehensive installer support for technical issues during installation.

If you require support on-site with setup, submit a ticket here and tick 'I am an installer" for our team to prioritise immediate response. Make sure to include your customer's name. 

After the following steps have been completed, the rest of the steps can be done remotely by the installer through the Voltello App:
  1. Modbus TCP is enabled on the inverters
  2. All inverters and the Voltello device are on the same network and that it is not a guest Wi-Fi network
  3. The inverter and smart meter devices have been added in the Voltello App